Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Juniper Juniperus communis
The Plant: A member of the Cupressaceae family, an evergreen tree up to six metres.
It is native to the Northern Hemisphere and has bluish stiff needles, small flowers and
little round green berries turning black in the second year.
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from the berry
Origin: The Himalayas of India Stara Planina and Rodopi Mountain Range in
Description: The plant is small bushy shrubs or tree, 3-35 feet in height growing at an
altitude ranging from 8800 to 15,400 feet in the Himalayan region . The berries are
plucked from the branches of the plant once a year and dried and ground before
Color: Clear, pale yellow
Consistency: Medium
Note: Middle
Aroma Strength: Strong, gin like, fruity, sweet, woody, terpintine.
Note: Medium
Blends well with: Clary sage, Helichrysum, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Geranium,
Marjoram. Rosemary, Chamomile, Eucalyptus.
Aromatic Scent: Juniper Berry has a fresh, rich-balsamic, woody-sweet and pine
needle-like odor reminiscent of evergreen oils. Spicy, peppery.
Cautions: Non-toxic, non-irritant. Avoid during pregnancy.
Qualities: Antiseptic, diuretic and fights infection. Excellent for its detoxification
properties. In small quantities it can help alleviate urine retention, though in large
quantities the opposite is true. Excellent oil for urinary tract infections. A good oil for
skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis, though the condition may appear to get
worse before it gets better, as is the case with most forms of natural healing.
Antiseptic and astringent ideal for oily skin. Add to massage oil or in Bath Base for
combating cellulite. Add to jojoba oil and massage into scalp to encourage healthy
hair, the oil penetrates the upper layer of the scalp, stimulating the flow of blood to
the hair follicles. Has a cleansing effect on the body.
The leaves – needles are traditionally burnt to purify the air. Juniper berries are used to
flavour gin. Not to be mistaken for the cheaper Juniper leaf.
Aromatherapy benefits: refreshing, stimulating, relaxing
Warning: avoid during pregnancy. activates the kidneys
Safety Information: consult your healthcare provider with kidney problems.