Neroli 3% in Jojoba Essential Oil


Botanical Name: Citrus aurantium

Plant Part: Blossom

Extraction Method: Steam

Origin: France

Description: Neroli essential oil is derived from the blossoms of either the sweet orange tree or the bitter orange tree. Our variety comes from the Bitter Orange tree which is viewed within the aromatherapy world as being of higher therapeutic quality.

Color: Coffee Brown Aromatherapy &

Consistency: Medium

Note: Middle

Aroma Strength: Strong

Blends well with: Lavender (All), Lemon, Clary sage, myrrh, spice oils such as Cinnamon and Clove.

Aromatic Scent: Neroli essential oil has a sweet, floral citrus aroma. Many aromatherapists refer to Neroli as an exotic and exquisite essential oil.

History: Though Bitter Orange essential oil has been around for centuries, Neroli essential oil wasn’t discovered until the seventeenth century. It was named after Anna Maria de la Tremoille, princess of Nerola. The oils properties were extremely valued by the people of Venice who used it against plague and fevers.

Cautions: None Known.